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    • Design By What Matters

      Design By What Matters

      What room will your personality inspire? Let us help you design a room that feels like home, filled with shades and styles inspired by what matters to you.

      Learn More

    • Main Location
      300 Gordons Corner Rd # 10 Manalapan, NJ 07726

    Here you’ll find a map to our location and be able to find driving directions as well as store hours.

    "); } turns += "" + turnNum + "\t" + turn.Text; legDistance = turn.Distance; // So we don't show 0.0 for the arrival if(legDistance > 0) { // Round distances to 1/10ths turns += " (" + legDistance.toFixed(1) + " miles"; // Append time if found if(turn.Time != null) { turns += "; " + GetTime(turn.Time); } turns += ")
    "; } } turns += "
    "; } // Populate DIV with directions SetDirections(turns); } } function SetDirections(s) { var d = document.getElementById("directions"); d.innerHTML = s; } // time is an integer representing seconds // returns a formatted string function GetTime(time) { if(time == null) { return(""); } if(time > 60) { // if time == 100 var seconds = time % 60; // seconds == 40 var minutes = time - seconds; // minutes == 60 minutes = minutes / 60; // minutes == 1 if(minutes > 60) { // if minutes == 100 var minLeft = minutes % 60; // minLeft == 40 var hours = minutes - minLeft; // hours == 60 hours = hours / 60; // hours == 1 return(hours + " hour(s), " + minLeft + " minute(s), " + seconds + " second(s)"); } else { return(minutes + " minutes, " + seconds + " seconds"); } } else { return(time + " seconds"); } } function ClearAll() { map.DeleteRoute(); SetDirections(""); map.PanToLatLong(defaultMap); map.SetZoomLevel(6); } //Draw Circle function GetCircle(circleLat, circleLon) { var R = 6371; // earth's mean radius in km var lat = (circleLat * Math.PI) / 180; //rad var lon = (circleLon * Math.PI) / 180; //rad var d = parseFloat(tempDistance) / R; // d = angular distance covered on earth's surface myCirclePoints = new Array(); for (x = 0; x

    Hours and Phone Number

    Our Hours:



    Phone Number:

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